Oscillating Share PriceUp 80 or 90 cents one day and down 80 or 90 cents the following day should make day trading people happy if they timed it right ( that is). To project blame onto others for not posting reeks of not winning on their own trading goals. Whatt try is not is when Poet went up nearly 32 percent in one day about a week ago. So Poet has given up some of its gains? That's normal. Now the market awaits further news from Poet which is always the market's way of saying, "what have you done for me lately" . Unfortunately this gets echoed on the financial chat boards where the bashers stoke fear and doubt to try and set up their next daytrade it seems? Remember. Trolling for posters to post is an act in my opinion. To trade successfully who needs to troll to blame people about their own state (mood) of the minute? Lmso.