B3 - abcdefg - hijklmnop!
the agm was the most dismal to date and no talk about the missed scandium target as that would just be a waste of time. I get it. After getting straight to it, and blah blah the B3 target... Chuck since added some shares and MTX did a flow through...
At the risk of sounded half dumb on B3. Kel-ex had hired SHA geophysics to complete VTEM on B3.
3 holes show planned near B3-r, B3-p, B3-q with B3-o near by showing good response. B3-r/q could measure 400 meters accross and 800 meters to B3-p if you imagine a small and then larger pit.
Ni makes up a higher portion of the sampling followed by Co and lastly Copper.
as a point of interest The average grade of Voisey's Bay's nickel, copper, and cobalt is 1.63% nickel, 0.85% copper, and 0.09% cobalt.
I didn't talk to anyone at MTX... That would just create an uncomfortable discussion.