What Should BlackBerry Valuation Look Like TodayIf profitability matters, the company is in the top 10% of technology companies, most lose as they are built to be sold
revenue growth matters, the company is performing well now that it is focused upon profitability and ROI
gross margins are healthy
Arrogance and poor timing were the former Authoritarian leaderships failure to produce results Today QNX is a monopoly built upon a decade of patent development and regulation frameworks for the connected future, specifically automotive. QNX has no competiton due to the constant inno on to create and implement regulatory frameworks that became accepted and written standards for the connected vehicle future. Monetizing that investment is the stage BB finds itself, having thrown billions at the future of foundational motive automation.
20x on $4
is a reasonable value projection with a year end profitability bulls-eye, continued double digit revenue growth, QNX 8.0 adoption with the Education and FreeWare initiative JJG began with the Malaysian governments 100% buy in. Malaysia with a $13k GDP per capita is targeting Singapore's $88K and with the entire region currently earning 50% or less of Malaysia the entire economies are about to explode with innovation!
The hockey stick has finally hit the playing surface, expect BB share rise quickly recovering from the desperate vortex of a former authoritarian leadership that tried to spend itself into success or sale chasing its CONTRACTED BONUS PROGRAM at the peril of all else!
With dire straits behind, clean quick sheet of ice 20x isn't a meme it is a reality of a foundational technology, protected by patents that has laid itself as the foundation for future secure automation, so, yeah,
8 Q's 20x.