Is An Equity Finance Transaction Of Some Sort Imminent?The author of that article being allowed to present that article today here at Stockhouse, being coupled with the fact that NGC has long desperately needed capital to fund even the most important of capital expenditures (see debt servicing, drilling program, etc.) and the fact that an engineered, massaged and relatively mild bump upward in the NGC.V share price was made to take place today . . . Suffice to say that everybody and their cousins should expect that either just before midnight tonight perhaps or perhaps sometime early morning tomorrow, "the company" would have publicly disseminated the announcement of a more than likely well discounted, naturally discounted to the closing NGC.V share price today, equity finance transaction of some sort.
Then, following such an announcement, the NGC.V share price would be sold downward; thus guaranteeing the previously plugged in NGC.V short position derived ROI would be locked in as the NGC.V share price is made to commence the trek down to and perhaps well below the previously known equity finance transaction share price point.
Don't tell me you didn't see this coming Iccommoner.
Perhaps turn around and ask the autor of that Stockhouse presented article. He would know. After all, how else is buddy going to be in some way compensated for his story placed at Stockhouse.