Toronto, June 24, 2021 – Dundee Corporation is pleased to announce that at its Annual General Meeting of shareholders (“AGM”) held earlier today,
At a meeting held immediately after the AGM, the Board unanimously reappointed Peter Nixon as Chair, and, on the recommendation of Jonathan Goodman, Dundee’s President and CEO, appointed Steven
Sharpe as Executive Vice Chair, effective Friday, June 25, 2021.
Mr. Sharpe’s mandate is to rationalize Dundee’s portfolio of legacy investments and operating subsidiary companies. His appointment will facilitate the Corporation’s transformation into an active investor solely
focused on the mining sector by permitting the Dundee management team to focus on that strategy.
Jonathan Goodman commented:
“We welcome Steven to our leadership team in his new role of Executive Vice Chair. We believe that with his skillset, expertise, and senior leadership experience, Steven is perfectly suited to execute on one of
our key strategic objectives, namely, rationalizing our portfolio of legacy assets. With him leading this initiative, Dundee’s efforts in this regard will clearly accelerate, and we can sharpen our focus on building
Dundee 2.0 as an active investor in the mining sector.”
Folks this was over three and half years ago. Look at our balance sheet. We still have hundreds of millions of dollars invested in "this and that" which has nothing to do with the mining sector.
After three and half years, management should finaly move to clear the deck. Patience is running thin.