RE:RE:Bashers out in full force. Nice to hear from you Hawk on another channel. I only am interested in three small caps just now. They carry a fair degree of risk so am looking for a multi bagger when I invest or gamble
in this area. Got back into WRLG near the lows. Have been following it for a long time. Tried to catch it on the lows. I am also invested in the warrants. May take a little longer
than I thought but I am gambling that we will see the goods and this will move up slowly. If the stock does take off the warrants will be worth a small fortune. Good time to accumulate if you have the stomach. Sold one of my small caps yesterday HOTH for a double. Could
have been a 4 timer but I sold too early in the day. ODD BERGER I am in at .105. Could sell at close to .30 but I am looking for a major move here
even though it may take some time. Will add if there is any significant drop in price.