LoggerI have not posted on this board for quite sometime as the Libturds just remove or suspend within minutes , but here is my take regarding the new POTUS threats against my country.As everyone knows l was pro Trump but if his threats were to materialize in a military way , then all bets are off .A few other American Presidents tried the same BS in the past , the invasion during the Revolutionary war and Madison's invasion in 1812 and 1813, we as a country still know how those attempts ended up . While l still believe , hopefully that Trump is just posturing because of his absolute hatred for Trudeau and everything his party of the useless stands for , l will categorically state this . Yes our military under The liberals is totally emasculated and our police force armed with automatic weapons will probably do nothing as usual , it will be in my thinking if he ever used military force then it will be the Country folk armed with sporting weapons and improvised devices who will be the true patriots who will stand up to what a superior bullying country can throw at them. We may lose as unlike the Ukraine we don't legally have access to a real arsenal and Trudeau gave most of what the military had to the Ukraine but any invader using military force to subdue us will find that this is just like Afghanistan , A no win . Now l hope that reality sets in and Trump by perceived , perceived threats gets Canada and other countries to pay their fair share rather than waste on Trudy's save the planet economy destroying iniatives and finally after our 9 year dictatorship by a part-time drama queen and his gold digging family get with the program that is also gaining force in Europe and elsewhere.Trump needs to see we or at least some of us are on the same side and are not all Marxists and assorted other rabble.It would be a real travesty to see Americans and Canadians going to war and killing each other when there are more real threats out there.