RE:RE:5 TD recommendationsThere is no question the company numbers, and overall performance leaves a lot to be desired. (1) Debt is high (2) growth is low,(3) Certarous has profit margins so thin its almost not worth having as an operating entity . ------O/K , That being said : , there is room to see a 10%-15% (minimal as it sounds) improvement in upcomming financials. The key for me is keeping the money, via buy backs into the fold. It, WILL as the year progresses , (make numbers look a lot better on a per share basis). I waited and waited recently to buy this name ,giving away a good .50/share while I was waiting for ''official'' confirmation, that the company was serious and going to actually follow through with the NCIB buying,now at 4.2% , and the additional 35 MIL/per Q purchases . Now we have that confirmation, the buy backs will continue per Q until the 10% share weight is reached , the numbers on a per share basis will look better. I put no consideration whatsoever into estimates by others in the capital markets: ZERO: A 40% return for me will be $8.75 , and I think we get there in 12-15 months ,(plus) the remaining divi value on top ------- --- $12 ???? I don't think so ,not in my lifetime, BUT $8.75 ? YES