URB vs. URB.AInteresting that the recent premium on the voting shares has pretty much entirely disappeared. Plus the bids on URB.A are now showing some size.
Could be the NCIB now IS being used post-January 3. I'm sure most URB.A shareholders would be 100% okay with that.
Or maybe new shareholders are simply being attracted to URB.A in response to the good record of NAV per share numbers. Plus, possibly, the superior liquidity of URB.A (vs URB).
If the latter then I suppose TC might end up having the last laugh on the NCIB issue--i.e., choosing to NOT use it.
Remains to be seen--and this shareholder is not yet convinced. It's counterintuitive to me that the price of URB.A would go relatively higher following the company NOT buying the shares through the NCIB. But I suppose it's possible.