RE:RE:RE:RE:I THOUGHT BBD.B WILL NEVER GO BACK TO $ 92.00Justice tried to hit Trump where it hurts, IN HIS POCKETBOOK. That's the only thing these idiots understand. But they failed, because they started indicting him late. Guiliani was easier to got to.because of his financial status. This guy is very unstable. Plus he now has immunity for everything he does.
bicente wrote: BBDB859 wrote: sorry forgot to post the article link. Is it this one
bicente wrote: Shamhorish wrote: I WAS WRONG, AGAIN
and it seems that the slide down hill will continue and may be at faster pace,
scavengers are in control as the orange orangutan preparing the market for failure and world trouble every where
still i ask how dumb are those people who voted for this guy
We just never know what lies ahead .. there's a good write up on the orange orangutan today in the journal de Montral that touches on the mental state of this next president ... it can shed light on the chaos to come ...
Les dclarations tranges de Trump sur le recours la force militaire pour s’emparer du canal de Panama et du Groenland et la «force conomique» pour annexer le Canada soulvent, de nouveau, des questions gravissimes sur ses troubles cognitifs.
Des faits et gestes de son premier mandat et des dclarations tranges durant sa campagne prsidentielle soulevaient dj des interrogations sur son quilibre mental.
Yes it is ... for some reason it didn't want me to post the link ...I can't believe what the orange clown said when his own citizens have lost everything .. I spoke to a friend in LA briefly and he said it was horrible, being warned to leave , being rushed out , and now being told that 99% of their belongings are gone forever ... sad to involve politics when people are in desperate need of help , but are we really surprised? I think the article explains a lot ... GLTA