RE:A Very Happy ManMuch of EN's decade-long rant against JT is familiar. But, conveniently, he also neglected to acknowledge Trudeau's most significant contribution to the industry.
1) Trudeau swallowed his pride and authorized, ignoring his "green" base, the construction of TMX.
2) When KKK quit on the project, he went ahead and spent the public's money to purchase it.
3) Despite the enormous spikes in the projected costs, he continued support till completion.
No surprise to hear the collective hossanas to the TMX.
The Liberals' energy "transition" policy, especially the sloppy way it has been communicated, has been an unmitigated political disaster for the party. Candidly, I know of no other government which has managed this portfolio well.
Debate on "climate change" will rage on especially now that a "denier" is about to take office in Washington. And PP, in so far as he has shared his ideas on the subject, is little different. Disasters all over the globe, whether in Jasper or in Pacific Palisades, can be sneeringly dismissed as routine weather events..... until they impact personally. Who knows, if Mar a Lago gets swamped by a tidal wave, Mr Trump might change his mind. We are reminded of those vaccine deniers who rued their
obduracy on the gurney in ICU.