RE:RE:TAfter 20 years of looking at dividend stocks, anything above 8 percent is looked upon as JUNK BOND LEVELS. And here we are above 8%. Entwhistle's leadership is questionable. Every time you see a analyst reviewing the stock price down is direct reflection of his leadership.
To show he is competient he needs to do the following.
1.) Kill the drip. Your stock price is at 10 year lows stop diluting it! All platforms will do this free of charge off the market, which doesn't dilute the stock.
2.) He should stop increasing the dividend FOR NOW AT LEAST. I would say hold it for a least a year. Two would be fine. He has been increasing it consistently for a long time so take a break. Shareholders would be fine with that.
3.) Share buyback. Take any dividend increases and use this money for share buyback As i have said before its cashflow positive doing this. Borrow for 4.3% or less and and reduce cash flows by 4.3% (at the moment)
4.) A focus attention to pay down debt. (Shore up the balance sheet) Never a bad decision to do this.
Common Enwhistle....
Phones are the new cigarettes. They are cool, addictive and readily available. The job is already done for you! How do you mess this up?