Dilution-OptionsThere were 7,361,111 options that expired on Dec 31,2024 , probably from the Andrew Frazer group in Australia. He is the one (also Director) who invested heavily to get Aii listed on the Aux.
Probably the initial placement of $5. mil. was to replenish the options that expired, and for Black to look after "the hand wot feeds you".
Perhaps greed then developed when the initial announcement was made and others , probably very close to insiders. wanted a piece of the pie, and seemingly they got it.
The announcements of expired options was made official on Aux news release early in January.
For the poster who seems hysterical about a new member who has something interesting to say, being on the Board only one day, you should take a deep breath and relax. From reading all the posts for years, you, in particular, have a great deal to learn about the investment world, and how it works.