CRTC caused the Canadian telcos to lose 40 billion
CRTC caused the Canadian telcos to lose 40 billion shareholder value
The bondholders can prevent telcos to borrow money to pay dividends if the market cap falls below a certain thresholder per credtitor agreement
it was the bondholders that bankrooled the investment or money that allowed the telcos to spend billions in fibre network and jobs
as for shareholders you just paid for the equity and 2% was shorted shares
the company didn't receive any of you money that you invested in the shares.
companies without gov't support can still survive but you have gov't backstabbed sabotage and entire industry with regulations that is detrimental to future revenues or profits
essentiall, federal ,provincial, and even city gov't enacted regulations that destroye entire sector or industry in mining, real estate, and now telco
like the 25% tarriff a lot of Canadian companies would shut down causing thousand of job losses including the film industry as entire Canadian film industry is for export and access to the US market.