RE:RE:RE:RE:Eric Sprott who owns 36,601,200 shares of NFG I agree, while Huet is an excellent choice for Chairman, as someone who has had great operational success, make no mistake who is at the helm ~ ES is the defacto Chairman / CEO
CK may have a similar ownership in NFG, but in terms of hard dollars, ES is the big boy on this ship, and if I know ES well, he will be orchestrating the executive team the way he has at SAM and more recently KL
IMO we are positioning NFG for a sale to a MID or Large ~ the MRE / PEA on deck is only phase 1 in the program to identify the size and grade of the deposit along the entire +110 KM fault and that will take YEARS and I dare say 10's if not 100's of Millions
Ultiamately, ES believes NFG will be a 5x, 10x perhaps 20x