RE:One day closer to Chinese tariffs....Yawn. It's a snoozer for sure.
When are my NGC.V shares - that's correct I still am a highly interested NGC.V equities investor - going to become worth enough for me to exit without losing a cent, at least?
I could be wrong here; and I certainly want to be entirely wrong about my seriously diminished prospects for ultimately being made whole here with my NGC.V. equity investment.
Never the less, for now, I'm left to wonder whether some company's representatives are thinking of offering a bag of practice hockey pucks and a couple of 30 year old well used and never washed jock straps to "the company", this as part of an offer to purchase controlling equity interest in Northern Graphite Corporation.
I wonder if "Sprott" would offer the very same in exchange for "Sprott" taking outright equity control of Northern Graphite Corporation?
Lest we forget, "Sprott" is the only NGC creditor that counts.
Yes. To the points of others, an antimony kind and quality of "event" driven movement in the North American price for synthetic and natural graphite feedstock material and both synthetic and natural SCPG graphite anode component material would be immensely positive for the only North American based, a Quebec, Canada situated, miner of battery grade graphite material.
I guess anything is possible; and yet, how probable is such "an event" driven rocketing movement in the North American price for synthetic and natural graphite feedstock material and both synthetic and natural SCPG graphite anode component material?