RE:RE:RE:RE:Regenx’s New Year Communicationiscfa- Diesel catalytic converters do not usually contain rhodium. Instead, they contain platinum and palladium. There's usually no Rhodium in diesel auto-catalysts. This is because Rhodium is ineffective in reducing NOx in diesel exhaust due to its high oxygen content.'s%20usually%20no%20Rhodium%20in,to%20its%20high%20oxygen%20content. "One primary difference between diesel and gasoline catalytic converters is that diesel catalysts do not use rhodium."
Also, "Diesel engines typically run much cooler than gas engines, so they need a different process to ensure that the toxic substances are successfully neutralized." Last I heard Greg said they have not gotten the process of the plant to get any "Rhodium" from the material. Greg said we're not there yet but we may sometime in the future.