Propane Prices Up.92 US a gallon or $37US/bbl or $50CDN/bbl
Recent years highs gott up to ~1.50US a gallon or $60US/bbl
BIR produces over 6,000 bbl/day of natural gas liquids or ~ 2 million bbls/year
They only receved about $26CDN/bbl this past summer
At $50cdn/bb lfor propane they should earn an extra 50M/year vs 2024
At $100 /bbl propane (which is possible in this market) they would
pocket and wxtra 150M/year - just on propane - enough to cover the
dividend for the year.. Worth to keep an eye on.
Winter looks like it is taking hold of North America.
Henry Hub gas is up nicely today - BIR receives close to US pricing for
most of thier gas (less about $1US or so). About 15% of thier gas is
Aeco which are up this year and which should rise more soon enough.