RE:Some are placing bets because of the news Have you taken a position in Fineqia yet? If so, how much. Or are you saying you need more convincing before you do?
I can't blame you for needing to be convicned. I don't understand why Bundeep can't talk in simple English rather than all this techno-jargon. And Cashflow is right. These are just librarian PRs. Something about making money for somebody else and not us.
I'm really frustrated with Bundeep and Martin Graham. I can only say that every dime they take from investors in these private placements that dilute everybody to obvlivion serves nobody but Bundeep. They all just keep getting ripped off. So, he needs to make them whole or get a reputation as a conman and rightfully so in my opinion. And they can't be made whole unless we are made whole.
I'm really sick and tired of them talking and never doing anything. They make promise after promise and never deliver on anything. You do need more convincing and rightfully so. I wish they would get off the pot and start doing something. I honestly don't know why they didn't open a snowball stand. It wold bring in more revenue. They act like they are in over their heads by actions, but with the mouths they act like they know what they are talking about. Their feet and mouths are always moving in opposite directions.