Carbon Rebate is Here! Has anyone received a cheque from the government this week? Here is how the liberal government is insulting the intelligence of its subjects.
The leaflet inside the envelope is titled "Your Canada Carbon Rebate is Here!"
Many are working from home or retired and inactive but people love it. Money from the sky!
"Putting money into your pockets as part of the fight against climate change"
Great news, isn't it? We are fighting, generating money in the process and here is your cut.
One can argue that it's a tax on economy, it's inflationary, dispute its effectiveness and raise many other questions but it's too complicated for the average citizens.
"The vast majority of households get more money back in rebates than they pay"
Looks like it's a huge burden on the vast minority of households. People who have to commute long distances or making a living delivering goods, food and driving other people. What about the cost on transportation, construction and many other businesses?
"Canada's price on carbon pollution helps to reach our climate goals, while the rebate makes life more affordable"
Instead of just saying CO2 emissions, the government prefers the scary and more convincing Carbon Pollution. In the simple mind of many Canadians, the government believes, carbon is something black and dirty and pollution is something that makes people sick.
In reality CO2 is not a pollutant. It's a greenhouse gas believed to contribute to global warming.
The government should be treating its citizens with respect instead of being untruthful and sleazy.