RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:When will the drill bit run out.Joe Campbell has Western Mining pedigree as does Beresford and they worked together in past. They are a good team. Interesting that Joe Campbell is President of GeoVector, the company that has been doing the consulting Geophysics work and managing the drill program for PN. Ken Williamson was also a private consultant who came in-house as an employee and is now going back to his consulting work. Now Joe Campbell is making a similar switch, comng in house as a key employee. Campbell's skill set is likely better for this next phase, with an eye toward what is ultimately need to preparethe project for production or more likely to be sold to a producer at the appropriate time. Adam Findley a VP/Projects of GeoVector is still involved with the GeoVector team who is still doing a lot of the work.
I wonder if Joe Campbell if full time at PM or part time. I wonder if he is continuing as President of GeoVect, or taking a leave from that, or at least reducing his effort there to part time. Obviously this is complicated and raises some ssues around conflict of interest, probably manageable but still has to be managed.