RE:Will expand to include new functionalities and indications.Enough fud puppets by Granhamf lol.See positif Interesting
Bart like this post Anthony Gallagher Director of Noninvasive Services at Baptist Health - LexingtonDirector of Noninvasive Services at Baptist Health - Lexington
1 j •
I had a great conversation and virtual demo with Scott Hammerling of Ventripoint Diagnostics Ltd. They have taken AI in a whole new direction and can derive a Cardiac MRI type of image from a 2-D Echo.
& good comment D. Arsenault on post Hugh Mechanical Technical Director At E. J. Holdings Ltd
20 h
This Product needs to cover the Globe to help out Mankind - A Medical version of Dragon's Den would be required to build out Hype and knowledge surrounding this incredible invention. Just My Opinion.
Hugh post ''Thanks for making the time to meet with our team. We see many uses of VMS+ that enable faster, less expensive and more accessible assessments and in 2025 our technology roadmap will expand to include new functionalities and indications. We are working with our partners the Ollie Hinkle Foundation and ASCEND Cardiovascular to make these available to clinicians and parents in America and worldwide.''