Manganese X growing strongerTop ranking Chinese officials didn't just decide to show up for the Jan 20 inaugeration, Trump invited them.
Trump has felt for years as in his first term as President and before then that China has been ripping off America.
He's about to impose better than 60 percent tariffs even up to 100 percent on countries such as China if they continue to trade in their own currencies out of the US dollar and keep unloading US debt holdings.
No amount of feel good posturing as such before the inaugeration is going to change the Trump tariff impositions on China thereafter.
Trump see's China as ripping off America and that's that in his world of thinking.
Who's really been ripping off who is the real question.
China produces and America consumes by paying with deficit spending adding to the US national debt that will never be re-paid. Then selling the newly minted debt printed out of thin air back to the Chinese in government bonds earning them interest where that too gets printed out of the blue.
America is ripping itself off with the inflation this causes, this costs consumers and the Chinese are setting themselves up for a US default in a global economic meltdown.
The problem is with people like Trump who think they can go on pushing for endless debt creation indefinately without the consequences of it all finally catching up.
China has seen the writing on the wall. Trump hasn't and will tariff China regardless of any feel good pandering going on between the two at the moment.
Trump doesn't see how tariffs will hurt his own people or doesn't care as US importers are the ones who pay the tariffs when recieving the goods from China. After they pay the imposed tariffs to the US treasury, they will add the increased costs to the suppliers of consumer goods where they must add to the prices consumers will need to pay or go out of business. Many retailers will go out of business as consumers already strapped with debt won't be able to pay for the increased costs of consumer goods.
Same goes in Canada if Canada imposes tariffs on the US to retaliate.
Where China and Canada get hit is with less demand for their manufactured goods fueling unemployment and Americans affording less will buy less and eventually suffer shortages that could affect Canada as well.
What's the point of bringing this up here ... Manganese X is in an even better position to capitolize on the fall-out of US tariffs than ever as China won't get it their way that will benefit them much changing any manner of Trump's fixations.