RE:Molybdenum PartnersAt the moment the website has very little info for Moly as it did in the past.
In my thoughts, past "Inferred" outlook for the deposit is of no interest now.
"Indicated" and "Proven" Moly deposit info yet to be published, and that needs an extensive drill program to determine extent, grades, life span, ease of mining and ease of processing.
I think this is almost done now.
Lewis said long ago that the Moly process plant will be built on site at Sangdong over the hill.
South Korean entities has already long ago reached out to Almonty on the Moly.
It would be much easier to establish a floor price deal with Plansee/GTP now, but I think Korea has first dibs in this ???
Dont hold your breath for news just now, but please ask questions on this board a few days shortly before the next IIF, as the team seems to pass these on to Lewis to incorporate into his presentations to answer.,vid:fISWkH33vic,st:0&vssid=l