RE:A New Era for POUI know a lot of investors routinely ask themselves: What would poo do? Well this:
Alberta has asperation to double their Oil and Gas Development, and POU is has the assets to make this dream a reality.
In stark contrast EN seems to think that even 7-10% NG growth is too much.
Being I am no advocate of EN's or poo's I have to weigh who is the better investor?
They are both perma-bulls EN for O&G and poo for POU.
I guess I'll just sit tight and see what the orange tirade brings in 2 weeks. Feb.1?
With the exception of buy backs.
If I had $1 billion dollars and could give myself a $15 per share "christmas gift"
I would give myself as many of those "christmas gifts" as NCIB limits allow.
I might give myself even more "christmas gifts" after the deal closes and the share price drops but those are 2025 christmas gifts. Maybe. ;-)
GL Fellow Investors