RE:RE:SPMT, the sitcomJason is a tout. James is under him. Nothing more. Jason recycles his formula, i suspect because he knows no better? He never delivers anything solid, always some area play, with some nonsense closeology, often covering his neighbours news and not his own. because he has no news. Jason waits for others to do the work, spend the money, announce their results, and then e coat tails off of them by staking right next to them. He recycles the BS with new audiences, and loads his nominees up with options and/or cheap financings, before he does it. Likely selling into his own promotions. It is all that has happened at Spearmint, Sienna, and Cruz; two of those companies apparently are named after two of his kids, guess which ones. They have jumped lilly pads almost annually, shifted from one, to another, and then again anaother "metal" in their pursuit of filling their pockets, with everyone elses money. Years ago they were penalized & fined by the BCSC for their conduct. Their offices were a few floor above the BCSC offices. Brings new meaning to being "right under their noses". yet Jason carries on like nothing even happened. And thats the problem. NOTHING ever happens.