RE: YAY"ARC was not required to conduct economic feasibility. Only scientific testing. XOGEN/TTC claim is 'this device produces large volumes of H with modest amount of electrical current'."
Whether the device is economically feasible can be deduced from the input/output numbers.
The trade suspension should not impact the business activities of TTC and Xogen. If the ARC report supports TTC's claims, the big boys should be camped out on the doorsteps of TTC and Xogen. It would not be unreasonable for TTC/Xogen to tell its shareholders that it is now in talks with multiple parties interested in the device.
Also why would TTC/Xogen push forward with the furnance prototype on its own. It should be able to go to the big boys with the ARC report and have them do the prototype in exchange for, say, the distribution rights and many hundreds of millions of dollars.