Campers 35 yrs experience SCREAMS OOOPS!AS per usual, you are dead wrong. At least you admit it this time, if only partly.
These warrats were issued to fund the construction of 2 riugs. Those funds being raised, ther eis no further use to the company for their bieng, Infact, the excerice of them at anything greatly above 2 cents WILL dilute current sharholders % of owenrship and that OUGHT to cause the markets to respond immedialty by tanking the price per share.
These warrants are now trading on the SECONDARY MARKET!!!No other shareholders want more common issued, twit!!!
That you cant see that shows how far detached your market savy is from reality and how too much time spent reading READERS DIGEST does nothing for your analysis.
That you spout your shrill off without any regard and that you do not understand things on first read but becuase of your ire and impatience you commonly make mistakes and have to appologize afterward tells me you are "a tad askew".