RE: WAKE UP! FOLKS...In addition to Matdu's points:
- Reolysin tests in animals have indicated that the cancers away from the injection site are also attacked. Reolysin may therefore kill cancers that have spread without you even knowing it (which an operation can't do).
- Everyone dreads the side effects of chemotherapy. Someone I know was wiped out every second week for 6 months, plus the hair loss, digestive problems, etc.
(Just FYI not everyone has these side-effects. Someone else had no side-effects.)
If reolysin has fewer or shorter effects than chemo, then people would gladly use reolysin instead.
- Giving a shot of reolysin would be so much faster than waiting for months for a surgeon and operating room (in Canada). Plus any operation has risks (anesthetic reactions, missing some of the cancer, etc).
The present methods of fighting cancer are crude and abhorrent, giving reolysin wide opportunities to take over as the preferable treatment (if it works, of course).