Get off your Butts and do something!Well here I go again. How can we expect the whole world to subscribe to "I'm in Touch" when the investors won't. I've seen posters talk about the other free type version of IIT and how Cell-disc or a laptop gets the job done for them so why subscribe. So to these people I ask, Why do you own this stock??? If you can't see the need or desire to use IIT why would you invest in it believing other people will.
There are very few stocks or companies out there where investors can make a huge difference in the stock price. 01 is ONE of them. If they can show that subscriptions are climbing to potential partners they will be more likely to come on board. Secondly a higher subscription number may look a lot better to the market if 01 has to go looking for more money. THINK ABOUT IT and SUBSCRIBE!
Do yourself and the rest of us a favour!
Just my thought for the night, have a great weekend