RE: Re: NewsImpatienteOne,
Just for your information, DFI did mot make any of deal like this,
but did you know that DFI had to relinquish 3 of its concession
back to the governement of Namibia because they had not done
any work on these concession for some time?
Funny thing that DFI deceided not to issue a press release on
this, don't you think?
Namibia, like a lot of counties in the world does have a use it or
lose it aspect to it's mineral law, and this is done to make certain
that Company that have large land postion do not just get land
position to stop the entrie of others. In Namibia, even DeBeers
is being force to relinqusih land to the benefice of other parties.
Just base on this factor alone, I am excited by this deal, it looks
like AFA just purchase very cheap an insurance policy to help it
develop its concessions.
Now, if you read the press release, even you should be able to
understand that AFA has now been given a longer time to
develop all it concssion without the fear of having to loose any of
its concessions. If I remenber correctly that was one of your
fears before, not?
I guess you will never be happy, when the report is produce, you
say that there was nothing new, amd that everything had already
divuldge on the February 7th, PR, but before the final report was
submitted you critized the time it took to prepare the report. Now
you are afraid that AFA will not be able to develop all its
concessions and when they resolve this issue, you critize the
concept without knowing the facts.
Do you have any experience investing in Africa? Do you
understand the local sensitivities related to foreign companies
coming to exploit their Natural resources? If you did you would
understand that AFA is now creating a new model of sustainable
developemt that can only benefit its shareholders in the future.