RE: what now? - TbirdYou're not getting it. In Mercury's news release a couple of days ago about buying Novus, they stated that it would constitute a change of business for Mercury. i.e. not airline scheduling.
Today's news release states that they are selling the scheduling part of the business to someone.
So if you have MRY shares, you now basically own shares in Novus, and there will be cash from the sale of the scheduling component to use for the fibre business. There will be a name change and a new focus.
P.S. As bleak as the fibre business has looked, the airline scheduling outlook is bleaker. I still need to look at Novus in more detail, but the business plan may have more potential than MRY ever did, assuming they have the cash to pull it off. Remember, it sounds like a lot of the infastructure is already in place.
P.P.S. If you like the scheduling software business, buy AdOpt.