RE: Interesting! kpolandgreat post,I have ECO on my radar,This stock 15 to 20
years ago was a canadian bluechip stock.They probably
will never regain that status again,but looks like a good
buy to double at the very least.The US deficit is expected
to be 200 billion this year,which should be announced in
sept. or oct. and watch gold fly then.I have reason to believe
that one of the US banks is going down and I think that the
US gov. is doing all it can behind the scenes not to let that
happen. JP Morgan is the bank I have in mind as they are the
bigest shorters of gold for the past 15 yrs.Look out when
they have to cover.The US gov are doing there best to slow
down the inevidable.A 6000 Dow is coming this fall!!!