A must read...1232..K&Dmon&BTYMFTABOS Kmon...your a real sh*tdisturber......like 1232 fell out of my chair..with laughter...now you got Dmon melting his molers...careful bud ya spent a pretty penny on those puppies...ROTF...
Forget the hockey game which BT has said he would pay for...let's all go to the the Just For Laffs festival and stay at Kmons place...real nice of him to offer...we'll even chip in and get him and his bride their tickets!!!!!!!!! For I AM CV
On gold Kmon may well be right......but you are not going to see $8000....no really. ROTFLMAO....this guy that wrote the article is a frig*ing right wing nutbar....notice nothing was said about Military spending or corparate welfare..na only medicare to old people..welfare...ROTF ..this is just a good old cuddly bear market..we both agree on that......
Marriage is doing good....she's at her house and I at mine....in fact called her last night...she's fine....don't worry....