To FirefoxFirefox (neet handle!)
God knows that I have been pushing for people to get to columnists to print materials on this. I have e-mails with reports at the Globe and Mail expounding the virtues of slamming the Board for what they are doing. No avail.
To me the BOD should be trooped out onto the highway and left there- perhaps the real buzzards would come down and deal with the Buzzards of Burlington!
This disgusts me that they have fritted away our company and they dont give a damn.
Maybe for the sake of personal health, blood pressure and the likes, its best to just throw the towel in, remember those that took our money and if any of them show up on any corporate boards then expose them for their incompetence. What elese can you do, short of going after them in court.
Oh yes, the proposed law- oh well. Probably said too much on that one already, who is it going to catch? How is it going to help us?
Just chalk this up to experience and buy hard assets, like a house or a car. At least you can touch and kick them if you want and you are not relying on some nameless, faceless professional manager to try to make some money for you (of course after they have helped themselves to whatever they feel like taking). Disgusting system where this is allowed to happen and no-one spends time in jail!
Oh well, back to my usual rant.