south MZ lake?the 2001 annual reports several indicator mineral trains south of the lake whose sources have not yet been discovered. debeers planned GPR technique this winter (last winter). they suspect similar sill/dyke as to the MZ complex. this work was not done? why doesn't this susprise me. they will do what ever it takes to steal this property at fire sale prices. are institutions leary of debeers past history, secrecy and the black box modeling. or could it be that debeers deliberately ommits 9.9 carat diamonds from late year's valuation modeling. with the current population of diamonds 7, 6, 4 carats etc. it was statistically invalid to ommit the "big whopper." its is like someone carrying out research and culling out data collected they didn't like to suit their hypothesis. scientists would get their weiners whacked if they got caught culling data.
treating the 9 carat diamond as an outlyer is statistically invalid considering the sampled population. i could see them treating a 100 carat diamond in such a manner but not a 9 carat diamond. i have a feeling the desk top will produce a marginal value thanks to the mysterious black box. we will not see 10 dollars a share from debeers. but they will take it off our hands for 2-3 dollars. i truly hope i am wrong and will gladly take the heat if i am off track.
This property is truly awesome. will shares reflect the true potential if bought out, i do not thinks so. too bad the partners weren't rio tinto or bhp we would be mining now. it only took these guys 5-7 years from initial discovery to mining diamonds.