RE: Todays News ReleaseWell, it weren't as boring as the last one! I know these guys have been busy, i gotta believe there's more to come. I like their thriftiness-looks like they're just raising a little $$ to keep the doors open, while they get the right deal put togethor. I'll stick with a guy who tries, the ones i won't are those who paper up themselves and buddies with cheap flow-thrus and warrents, while price is down. Laurence Roulston featured the whole area in todays Resource Opportunities--really focused on als, botswood basin, also talked about sud dnt ctp rmx cvv ycu, etc. I'll send info to anyone interested--inbox me some kinda' email address. What we need is for somebody to hit something big, in area. Vulcan's got lots of mineral leases, too, if i remember right. Also gys will trade tomorrow--been halted over a yr-proven gold in ontario, 10mm shares out--should be interesting. adios. lj