Bid Ask
Price 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.19 0.20
#sh 195,000 107,200 107,000 114,300 7,198 63,500 84,500 65,500 25,000 81,500
# Orders 6 6 4 6 2 3 4 2 2 4
# Orders # Shares Price
2 7,198 0.14
6 114,300 0.13
4 107,000 0.12
6 107,200 0.11
6 195,000 0.10
Price # Shares # Orders
0.15 63,500 3
0.16 84,500 4
0.17 65,500 2
0.19 25,000 2
0.20 81,500 4
Market Depth By Order For QTA as of Jan 14, 2003 11:33:08
You have not subscribed to Market Depth by Order for the CDNX. As a result, these quotes are delayed at least 15 minutes.
Special terms orders and non-boardlot orders do not appear in the Market Depth by Order.
Bid Ask
Broker Volume Price
36 Latimer 2,198 0.14
36 Latimer 5,000 0.14
33 Canaccord 12,000 0.14
7 Green Line 30,000 0.13
33 Canaccord 2,300 0.13
33 Canaccord 10,000 0.13
88 Versus 20,000 0.13
36 Latimer 50,000 0.13
7 Green Line 2,000 0.13
2 DS 16,000 0.12
Price Volume Broker
0.15 16,500 141 Bolder
0.15 30,000 36 Latimer
0.15 8,000 80 National Bank
0.15 30,000 141 Bolder
0.16 14,500 18 Georgia Pacific
0.16 20,000 33 Canaccord
0.16 15,000 2 DS
0.16 35,000 7 Green Line
0.17 45,500 36 Latimer
0.17 20,000 2 DS
Market Book For QTA