RE: 10 different sellersBy the way Survivor. If institutions wanted this stock they would have bought it already. Believe me they readily have access to this stock.
Say why not get yourself a job or instead of wasting your time here with all of your aliases why not volunteer time at Altachem. It will give you a chance to network rather then sitting here all the time.
PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSST I know that you are in lalalala neverland but your Altachem went from 3 dollars and crashed right through a dollar while I was telling you it would and while you were saying otherwise.
And considering you first came on here when this was trading at 2.40 years ago pal and spent years of your life pumping away while this crashed proves what a nutbar you are.
Altachem management please find some other promoter. This guy and his aliases with broken English are a big joke.