RE: My opinion (for what it's worth)...karead
"Yes, I saw the Walmart timeframes being compressed. How does this affect revenue projections for Samsys? Your CEO won't commit, and rightly so, as his previous promises for revenues haven't come to pass."
CEO, Cliff, would be nuts to commit to numbers because it would be a speculative exercise. Previous revenues did not come to pass largely because there was no traction for the RFID market. It seems apparent that traction is emerging and the market is large, very, very large. How much will SMY capture? Not at all clear ... yet. Given the reality of the market over the last several years, do you think it wise for a CEO to speculate on revenue when his company is just moving from the R & D to the commercial stage?
Re "Your right, I didn't go so far back as to realize where your previous revenues were coming from. So basically, revenues have been pretty much non-existant. No problem, I can understand that from an emerging technology."
Well, go back and you will see that some pilots did generate meaningful revenue. However, the amounts, though meaningful (million or two), are relatively small and even though the pilots were signficant, they really amounted to no more than companies dipping their toes into Lake RFID. What are the margins, anyway, karead?
My guess, it is speculation, is that with RFID emerging, we will see companies move in knee deep into Lake RFID. In other words, larger, more meaningful and more profitable pilots is what we will see, soon. Given the recent reviews of SMY technology, not to mention Intermec's stamp of approval, SMY should participate. And the kind of pilots that I think we will be seeing, if they produce good results, can be built on, added to and multiplied easily for comprehensive commercial functionality. It also seems to me that larger, first rate companies are the most likely candidates for these pilots.