CRWSTotally undervalued maker of infants soft goods, clothings, blankets, comforters,etc. Used to have a broader variety but has been selling off losing divisions and concentrating on strength. They are market leader in this category. Last year earned .13 versus .70 price. Q4 was .10 eps!
Q4 was higher due to delays from West Coast dock strike that pushed some sales into Q4 form Q3 but still looks extremely undervalued. If real eps was .06, still has a fwd p/e of 3!
FYE was 3/30 so next report s/b 6/30 qtrly due 8/15. Anything close to .05-.08 and this should take off. Baby clothing/blankets have got to be virtually recession proof. Grandma is going to buy that cute little blanket regardless of economy.