PP Questionif this pp was a potential partner making a "down payment", or was represented by other institutions "approaching" BT & onc to get in "for the ride", why did cannacord get a 20% commission on the deal???
the whole deal reaks to me - the timing of it (before release of ph I/II trial results), the lack of clarity/accountability of what the money is needed for (sorry general corporate purposes and trials doesn't cut it when BT made a point of saying prior to the last two financings that onc had enough to complete ph II), and the 20% commission to a brokerage which hasn't done much if anything to support this stock, and with some indication that they have shorted it to the detriment of the same small shareholders who have supported onc from the beginning.
you can read whatever positive spin you want into this pp, but ignoring these basic concerns and simply dismiss them, doesn't cut it imo.