RUPSomeone has already mentioned speaking with RUP HQ. Wayne Meredith is IR @ 1-800613-7083, very helpful. Good article in Canadian Miner. Don Moore is often in and has experience and contacts across the industry. Mgmt owns 40% of both RUP and KML, they have lived thru hard times and survived with several notable properties, well worth talking with. I'd agree with those who would rather accumulate when no one is interested, buying tired shares that owners sell to chase something else. There is smoke here and it comes from fire in the hole. See what that is and what is being done about it, the wait may not be as long as it seems and the surprises well worth the wait. I've taken my positions on weakness and more than happy now. Look at the infrastructures on both prime prospects vs. the deserts of Mongolia Gold is gold 'round the world, the closer to a mill and smelter the better.