Map - kimberlite trendsIn reading about kimberlites in the NWT, they often occur grouped along lines, along major faults, and new ground is being staked right now up there by companies who may only have as their basis for staking the "right kind of archaen basement rocks and deep faults that would be favorable conduits for the emplacement of kimberlite". So deep faults are important enough for them to stake the ground, then they set about looking for indicator minerals.
Now, looking at the map, there are two obvious trends, or 'faults'. One heading NW from Star (a very obvious one that includes 150 and 122), and one heading more NNW, which includes 140 and 148 (not as obvious). But the main attraction here is that both trends end at the Star pipe. Now, if these trends are in fact 'deep faults', imagine what an intersection of two big faults looks like. How much better is it for being a conduit for kimberlite than being out on one of the radial faults? Also, a KRT geologist once mentioned that the grades on the KRT pipes INCREASE THE FURTHER SOUTH THEY GO. How much further south can you get than the Star Pipe?
Add it all up folks.