>80% gems, >80% diamondiferous pipesIn addition to the fact that >80% of Shore diamonds are gem quality, the Falc play as a whole is also noteworthy from the standpoint that >80% of the pipes are diamondiferous. I once heard that the world average for the percentage of pipes in a cluster of kimberlite pipes being diamondiferous is only 20%. So Falc is unique in that most of its pipes are diamondiferous (>80%), and most of the diamonds are gem quality (>80%). Falc has it all: lots of pipes, lots of pipes that are diamondiferous, lots of pipes that are whopping BIG, lots of gem quality diamonds in those whopping big pipes, all in a climatically friendly environment close to infrastructure to boot. And now they are proving that the grade is equal to or better than the world average. Does it get any better than that?