quest capital corpowns over 300,000 shares of Newcastle. Anyone that held Viceroy got a slice of Quest 1:3, a slice of Viceroy Exploration (VYE) 9:1, and a slice of Spectrum 30:1. Thought i'd find Ron Netolitzky's name under a sedi search of Newcastle, but i don't. This is the list of his stakes:
Quest Capital Corp.
Consolidated Trillion Resources Ltd.
Canadian Gold Hunter Corp.
Aurcana Corporation
Solomon Resources Limited
Golden Band Resources Inc.
Skeena Resources Limited
Brett Resources Inc.
Strongbow Resources Inc.
International Uranium Corporation
Santoy Resources Ltd.
Viceroy Exploration Ltd.
SpectrumGold Inc
Main Insiders of NCM
Halvorson, Michael Henreid - adding at under 0.18, selling at 0.19, but net add. (He's a big seller of Quest at the top, last year.)
Whelan, Kevin - exercising warrants and selling, lots of action out of this boy.
all in all, i see mostly paper riches for insiders, and table scraps for little guys. got to sell the rallies... always sell the rallies.
I'd buy NCN, but in the heat of summer at 0.12