ASCO planner - no sign of oncy/reovirusASCO has just posted its electronic planner for the upcoming ASCO meeting in June, including a listing of research abstracts, with authors & titles.,1003,_12-002553,00.asp
i did a search on the terms reovirus, oncolytics, coffey, morris, etc. and got a total of 0 hits - i did get 4 hits for thompson - 2 for john, and 1 for ian and dana. there were also 3 hits for adenovirus though no hits for Institut Catala d'Oncologia or Dr. Ramon Alemany.
my simple question is why reovirus/oncolytics/alemany aren't anywhere to be found considering this annual conference is considered the "Super Bowl" of cancer research conferences? to say i am disappointed would be an understatement.
its almost funny in a way - oncy participated in ASCO in 2000 & 2002 -i would have thought the longer time went on, the further advanced they would be and the more likely their participation.
aren't the recent "final" ph II prostate results and the study of the histopathology of removed tumorous prostate glands previously injected with reolysin worth discussing or perhaps a ph II clincal trial totalling 6 patients doesn't even rate serious scientific consideration for a conference of this magnitude and prestige?
how about interim ph I glio trials? an update on patients not worth issuing? same problem? not enough patients enrolled to draw credible conclusions in order to be accepted by their highly esteemed peers ?
or maybe just like before, oncy is just too far advanced they don't need this kind of exposure - in fact it would likely actually hurt their development (eg. they would then have to do the next pp at higher prices and that would be bad for liquidity) - its best to keep things hush hush, sealed safely away in the bunker until the time is just precisely right to blow everyone away with the announcement that they've received FDA approval to commence ph I/II glio trials in the US that has been anticipated for only 2 years & counting now?
then again, the timing of MC exercising his options and selling them makes a bit more sense now too.