C'mon longs where are post this kind of S#!T
I know what it is like to lose your shirt yet in your case it was very abrupt....now here is my story...I went and bought a hefty position in Sierra Wireless last week only to be snubbed out by the ANALysts their unhappiness with CEO Sutcliffe...yet he is a very smart and honest man he went with 16 cents in the 2nd quarter knowing it will be beaten (go low be safe) now David and myself and many more shareholders are suffering in the short term. The ANALysts still tried to beat this down last night with a bogus Qualcomm report and the other day with Palm. Now what happens this morning major news with Sprint.....using our cards....I guess what I'm saying is leave this crooked Corporation and the next desert storm dude (what's that all about...Mickey Mouse crap) This stock is so overweighted it is actually bringing down our buck...which is only helping out Sierra right now....C'mon folks come on board to a straight shooting honest company which by the way trades on the NAS...it has also dropped more that 30% percent in the last week get in now......