RE: to Frenulum...Frenulum, I do think its appropriate to identify cheerleading as cheerleading and pumping as pumping. I'm not sure where Red sits on this but I'm non-plussed about it.
As to ATQ's recent announcments, I'm quite happy with them. They tell us that things are on an upswing. Not many years ago, posters were complaining because ATQ's predecessor, EMG, was not releasing updates on orders. I'm not sure what the next set of numbers will show. I'm still expecting a loss but I'm hoping the top line shows strong improvement. But, if things are picking up with the business now, just releasing last quarters or last year's numbers do not provide a fulsome picture of of what is going on. In short, I think its o.k. for a company to give us a heads-up that things are improving. Actually, I appreciate it. Its also o.k. to be circumspect and wait until one has the full picture.