RE: IMOI am getting dizzy, Solarnet was going to make us rich quick, then we thought no, but TT/SB will eventually, and now, Oh, actually Solarnet isn't dead and might just deliver after all!!!!! I think my brain is going to fuse
Jet wrote
"The jewel here is Openfares because they are helping SCS finish the API. This will become a desktop, put the CD in and as a travel agent you have access to SolarNet/TT inventory."
I thought about what you wrote above, I don't understand the second sentence, but I think you are absolutley right.
Once this API is finbally 100% nailed down to openfares, anyone writing to this an interface between their system and the API has access to inventory of potentially 40 Openfares (and TT/SB) consolidars through a fully functional enquiry / booking engine.
SRM is the distribution channel we are testing this on, but with that amount of inventory, even half of openfares clients, it's a valuable feed that Traditional GDS's and Travel portals such a s Travelocity, Expedia etc would love to plug in to I am sure. So little work for links to so many provideers of inventory.
More inventory, more competetive prices (becuase they are consolidator fares etc) more sales, more profit for everyone. Out 'dot com' dream appears not to be dead after all.
Compared to TT/SB, it is much less work to implement, already has lots of customers, and volumes can scale much more quickly if required. No major training for existing openfares customers, we are just plugging their existing system into one or more new channels (GDS's Internet etc). This is the dream that drove the price up over $2 around 4 years ago.
Jet the bit I don't understand is the bit about the CD. Why does anyone need a CD, aren't we talking web application here? don't they just need a browser and a decent internet connection (or a GDS screen).
Well done for spotting this Jet!